Our Story
By improving Black America, we will enhance all of America. Our standing as the leading world power is in jeopardy. We are unable to contribute until we can provide for our own.
Our Pledge
I will forever move with integrity in alignment with my desire to uplift my people and nation. I will do what I say. I will say what I mean and mean what I say. I do this for the higher good of all humanity. I will embody these ideals and ensure that my every action honors my people. I will feed into Light and move away from all darkness. I will honor my fellow man by forgiving the past and forging the future. United, we stand; divided, we fall. I am one with the creator. I am one with my people. I am one with my nation. I am UBA.
Our Mission
We believe that Black America is ripe for disruption. With a leadership structure for group economics and governance, we can upgrade our democracy.

Join the Waiting List
All we ask for is your email so that we can let you know when it’s
your turn to become part of UBA.